Menger NS, Kotchoubey B, Ohla K, Pavlov YG. Missing what’s right under your nose: failed appetitive and aversive audio-olfactory conditioning in humans. bioRxiv. doi:
Kumar R, Singh M, Singh P, Parma V, Ohla K, et al. Leveraging machine learning and self-administered tests to predict COVID-19: An olfactory and gustatory dysfunction assessment through crowd-sourced data in India. medRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2021.10.20.21265247
55 - Schicker D, Khorisantono PA, Rramani Dervishi Q, Lim SXL, Saruco E, Pleger B, Schultz J, Ohla K, Freiherr J. (2025). Smell the label: Odors influence label perception and their neural processing. The Journal of Neuroscience. e1159242024;
54 - Kehl MS, Mackay S, Ohla K, Schneider M, Borger V, Surger R, Spehr M, Mormann F. (2024). Single-neuron representations of odours in the human brain. nature., doi:
53 - Markmann M, Saruco E, Al-Bas S, Wang B, Rose J, Ohla K, Lim SXL, Schicker D, Freiherr J, Weygand M, Rramani Q, Weber B, Schultz J, Pleger B. (2024). Differences in discounting behavior and brain responses for food and money reward. eNeuro. 11(4): eneuro.0153-23.2024, doi: 10.1523/eneuro.0153-23.2024
52 - Li H, Gerkin RC, Bakke A, Norel, R, Cecchi, G, Laudamiel, C, Niv MY, Ohla K, Hayes JE,Parma V, Meyer P (2023) Text-based predictions of COVID-19 diagnosis from self-reported chemosensory descriptions. Communications Medicine. 3:104. doi: 10.1038/s43856-023-00334-5. Preprint: ResearchSquare)
51 - Nguyen H*, Albayay J*, ... , Parma V#, Pepino MY#, Ohla K# (2023). Covid-19 affects taste independent of taste-smell confusions: results from a combined chemosensory home test and online survey from a large global cohort. Chemical Senses. 48:bjad020. doi: 10.1093/chemse/bjad020. Preprint: medRxiv)
50 - Schicker D, Rramani Q, Lim SXL, Saruco E, Pleger B, Weber B, Schultz J, Freiherr J, Ohla K (2023). Taste It! 7-Day Exposure to a Protein-Enriched Milk Drink Increases Its Smell, Taste, and Flavor Familiarity and Facilitates Acquisition of Taste Familiarity of a Novel Protein Drink. Food Quality and Preference. 106. doi: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2023.104808. (Preprint: PsyArXiv).
49 - Rramani Q, Barakat Y, Jacob G, Ohla K, Lim S X L, Schicker D, Freiherr J, Saruco E, Pleger B, Weber B, Schultz J (2022). Nutrition claims influence expectations about food attributes, attenuate activity in reward-associated brain regions during tasting, but do not impact pleasantness. Brain & Behavior. 13(1):e2828. doi: 10.1002/brb3.2828.
48 - D’Alessandro A, Grigorescu O, Höchenberger R, Ohla K, Hummel T (2022). A Bayesian adaptive algorithm (QUEST) to estimate olfactory thresholds in hyposmic patients. Journal of Sensory Studies. 37(5):e12769. doi: 10.1111/joss.12769.
47 - Lim SXL, Höchenberger R, Ruda I, Fink GR, Viswanathan S, Ohla K (2022). The capacity and organization of gustatory working memory. Scientific Reports. 12:8056. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-12005-x (Preprint: ResearchSquare)
46 - Ohla K*, Veldhuizen MG*, et al. (2022). A follow-up on quantitative and qualitative olfactory dysfunction and other symptoms in patients recovering from COVID-19 smell loss. Rhinology. 60(3):207-217. doi: 10.4193/Rhin21.415. (Preprint: medRxiv; final authors´version)
45 - Lim SXL, Höchenberger R, Busch NA, Bergmann M, Ohla K (2022). Associations between taste and smell sensitivity, preference, and quality of life in healthy aging - the NutriAct Family Study Examinations (NFSE) cohort. Nutrients. 14(6):1141. doi: 10.3390/nu14061141. (Preprint: Preprints)
44 - Cecchetto C, Di Pizio A, Genovese F, Calcinoni O, Macchi A, Dunkel A, Ohla K, Spinelli S, Farruggia MC, Joseph PV, Menini A, Cantone E, Dinnella C, Cecchini MP, D'Errico A, Mucignat-Caretta C, Parma V, Dibattista M (2021). Assessing the extent and timing of chemosensory impairments during COVID-19 pandemic. Scientific Reports 11:17504. (Preprint: medRxiv)
43 - Ohla K (2021). Flexible and dynamic representations of gustatory information. Current Opinion in Physiology 20: 140-145.
42 - Wagner IC, Konrad BN, Schuster P, Weisig S, Repantis D, Ohla K, Kühn S, Fernández G, Steiger A, Lamm C, Czisch M, Dresler M (2021). Durable memories and efficient neural coding through mnemonic training using the method of loci. Science Advances 7(10):eabc7606. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abc7606. (Preprint: bioRxiv)
41 - Gerkin R*, Ohla K*, et al. (2020). Recent smell loss is the best predictor of COVID-19: a preregistered, cross-sectional study. Chemical Senses 46:bjaa081. doi: 10.1093/chemse/bjaa081. (Preprint: medRxiv) * equal contributions
40 - Repantis D, Bovy L, Ohla K, Kühn S, Dresler M (2020). Cognitive enhancement effects of stimulants: a randomized controlled trial testing methylphenidate, modafinil and caffeine. Psychopharmacology 238(2):441-451
39 - Parma V*, Ohla K*, Veldhuizen MG*, et al. (2020). More than smell - COVID-19 is associated with severe impairment of smell, taste, and chemesthesis. Chemical Senses 45(7):609-622 (Preprint: medRxiv) *equal contributions
38 - Iravani B, Arshamian A, Ohla K, Wilson DA, Lundström JN (2020). Non-invasive recording from the human olfactory bulb. Nature Communications 11:648 (Preprint: BioRxiv)
37 - Höchenberger R, Ohla K (2020). Repeatability of taste recognition threshold measurements with QUEST and quick Yes-No. Nutrients 12(1):24 (Preprint & data: Zenodo)
36 - Höchenberger R, Ohla K (2019). Estimation of Olfactory Sensitivity Using a Bayesian Adaptive Method. Nutrients 11(6): 1278 (Preprint & data: Zenodo).
35 - Ohla K, Yoshida R, Roper SD, Di Lorenzo PM, Victor JD, Boughter Jr. JD, Fletcher M, Katz DB, Chaudhari N (2019). Recognizing taste: coding patterns along the neural axis in mammals. Chemical Senses 44(4):237–247 (Preprint: Zenodo)
34 - Andersen CA, Alfine L, Ohla K, Höchenberger R (2019). A new gustometer: Template for the construction of a portable and modular stimulator for taste and lingual touch. Behavioral Research Methods 51(6):2733-2747 (Preprint: Zenodo)
33 - Blechert J, Lender A, Polk S, Busch NA, Ohla K (2019). Food-pics_extended—an image database for experimental research on eating and appetite: additional images, normative ratings and an updated review. Frontiers in Psychology 10:307, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00307.
32 - Dresler M, Sandberg A, Bublitz C, Ohla K, Trenado C, Mroczko-Wąsowicz A, Kühn S, Repantis D (2019). Hacking the brain: dimensions of cognitive enhancement. ACS Chemical Neuroscience 10(3):1137-1148.
31- Höchenberger R, Ohla K (2019). A bittersweet symphony: evidence for taste-sound correspondences without effects on taste quality-specific perception. Journal of Neuroscience Research 97(3): 267-275.
30- Lundström JN, Regenbogen C, Ohla K, Seubert J (2019). Prefrontal Control Over Occipital Responses to Crossmodal Overlap Varies Across the Congruency Spectrum. Cerebral Cortex 29(7):3023-3033,.
29- Wallroth R, Ohla K (2018). As soon as you taste it - evidence for sequential and parallel processing of gustatory information. eNeuro 5(5), doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0269-18.2018.
28- Zoon HFA, Ohla K, de Graaf C, Boesveldt S (2018). Modulation of event-related potentials to food cues upon sensory-specific satiety. Physiololgy and Behavior 196:126-134.
27- Wallroth R, Höchenberger R, Ohla K (2018). Delta activity encodes taste information in the human brain. Neuroimage 181: 471-479. (Preprint BioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/300194).
26- Hardikar S, Wallroth R, Villringer A, Ohla K (2018). Shorter-lived neural taste representations in obese compared to lean individuals. Scientific Reports 8:11027. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-28847-3.
25- Schwingshackl L, Ruzanska U, Anton V, Wallroth R, Ohla K, Knüppel S, Schulze M, Pischon T, Deutschbein J, Schenk L, Warschburger P, Harttig U, Boeing H, Bergmann M. (2018). The NutriAct Family Study: a web-based prospective study on the psychological and sociological basis of food choice. BMC Public Health 18(1):963. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5814-x.
24- Amsellem, S, Höchenberger, R, Ohla, K (2018). Visual-olfactory interactions: bimodal facilitation and impact on the subjective experience. Chemical Senses 43(5):329-339.
23- Ohla K, Höchenberger R, Freiherr J, Lundström JN (2017). Superadditive and Subadditive Neural Processing of Dynamic Auditory-Visual Objects in the Presence of Congruent Odors. Chemical Senses 43(1):35-44.
22- Höchenberger R, Ohla K (2017). Rapid Estimation of Gustatory Sensitivity Thresholds with SIAM and QUEST. Frontiers in Psychology 8:981. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00981.
21- Sauer H, Ohla K, Dammann D, Teufel M, Zipfel S, Enck P, Mack I (2017). Changes in Gustatory Function and Taste Preference Following Weight Loss. Journal of Pediatrics 182:120-126.
20- Hardikar S, Höchenberger R, Villringer A, Ohla K (2017). Higher sensitivity to sweet and salty taste in obese compared to lean individuals. Appetite 111:158-165.
19- Kunath N, Müller NC, Tonon M, Konrad BN, Pawlowski M, Kopczak A, Elbau I, Uhr M, Kühn S, Repantis D, Ohla K, Müller TD, Fernández G, Tschöp M, Czisch M, Steiger A, Dresler M (2016). Ghrelin modulates encoding-related brain function without enhancing memory formation in humans. Neuroimage 142:465-473.
18- Amsellem S, Ohla K (2016). Perceived Odor-Taste Congruence Influences Intensity and Pleasantness Differently. Chemical Senses 41(8):677–684.
17- Crouzet SM, Busch NA, Ohla K (2015). Taste quality decoding parallels taste sensations. Current Biology 25(7):890-6.
16- Ullrich S, de Vries YC, Kühn S, Repantis S, Dresler M, Ohla K (2015). Feeling smart: Effects of caffeine and glucose on cognition, mood and self-judgment. Physiology and Behavior 151:629-37.
15- Seubert J, Ohla K, Yokomukai Y, Kellermann T, Lundström JN (2015). Superadditive opercular activation to food flavor is mediated by enhanced temporal and limbic coupling. Human Brain Mapping 36(5):1662-76.
14- Höchenberger R, Busch NA, Ohla K (2015). Nonlinear response speedup in bimodal visual-olfactory object identification. Frontiers in Psychology 6:1477. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01477.
13- Meindl M, Ohla K. (2015). Die Farbe macht den Geschmack Farbwirkung in der Nahrungswahrnehmung (German). Ernährungsumschau 62:3, M163.
12- Blechert J, Meule A, Busch NA, Ohla K (2014). Food-pics: an image database for experimental research on eating and appetite. Frontiers in Psychology 5:617. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00617.
11- Toepel U, Ohla K, Hudry J, le Coutre J, Murray MM (2014). Verbal labels selectively bias brain responses to high-energy foods. Neuroimage 87:154-63.
10- Dresler, M., Sandberg, A., Ohla, K., Bublitz, C., Trenado, C., Mroczko-Wasowicz, A., Kühn, S., Repantis, D. (2013). Non-pharmacological cognitive enhancement. Neuropharmacology 64:529-43.
9- Ohla K, Lundström JN (2013). Sex differences in chemosensation: sensory or emotional? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7:6071. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00607.
8- Ohla K, Toepel U, le Coutre J, Hudry J (2012). Visual-gustatory interaction: orbitofrontal and insular cortices mediate the effect of high-calorie visual food cues on taste pleasantness. PLoS One 7(3):e32434. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0032434.
7- Seubert J, Ohla K (2012). A dynamic cortical network encodes violations of expectancy during taste perception. Journal of Neuroscience 32(6):1918-9.
6- Ohla K, Busch NA, Lundström JN (2012). Time for Taste-A Review of the Early Cerebral Processing of Gustatory Perception. Chemosensory Perception 5(1):87-99.
5- Ohla K, Toepel U, le Coutre J, Hudry J (2010). Electrical neuroimaging reveals intensity-dependent activation of human cortical gustatory and somatosensory areas by electric taste. Biological Psychology 85(3):446-55.
4- Ohla K, Hudry J, le Coutre J (2009). The cortical chronometry of electrogustatory event-related potentials. Brain Topography 22(2):73-82.
3- Martinovic J, Gruber T, Ohla K, Müller MM (2009). Induced gamma-band activity elicited by visual representation of unattended objects. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21(1):42-57.
2- Ohla K, Busch NA, Herrmann CS (2007). Early electrophysiological markers of visual awareness in the human brain. Neuroimage 37(4):1329-37.
1- Ohla K, Busch NA, Dahlem MA, Herrmann CS (2005). Circles are different: the perception of Glass patterns modulates early event-related potentials. Vision Research 45(20):2668-76.
Cereghetti D, Cayeux I, Delplanque S, Ohla K. (2023). Implicit Measures of Food Wanting. In: Gómez-Corona C, Rodrigues H (Eds.) Consumer Research Methods in Food Science. Methods and Protocols in Food Science. Humana, New York, NY.
Ohla K (2020). Psychobiology of taste and its role in food perception. Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology. Elsevier. ISBN 9780128093245.
Ohla K (2020). Psychobiology of taste and its role in food perception. In: Fritzsch B (Ed.), The Senses: A comprehensive reference, 2nd ed, Elsevier, 318-332, ISBN 9780128054093,
Ohla K (2015). Neural mechanisms of food perception. Humboldt University Berlin. Habilitation thesis.
Ohla K (2007). Linking perception, attention and behavior to high frequency oscillations in the human brain. Leipzig University. Doctoral thesis.
Ohla K (2004). Die Wahrnehmung von Glass Mustern moduliert ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale. University Magdeburg. Diploma thesis.